Christine has been my massage therapist of choice for two years. Her exquisite sensitivity and empathic gifts are matched by her phenomenal massage chops! She's terrific- tell her where it hurts and she'll fix you! -Judyth Hill, poet.
Christine has a beautiful, gentle, loving soul. She provided a safe and inviting space which made me feel comfortable. -Peter Scarfo, engineer. |
Christine has a great awareness of the body and really understands how to promote healing within it. I have been to many five star hotels and resorts and I can say that Christine is one of the best in her profession! She really cares about her clients and about her work. I would highly recommend her to ANYONE! - Chelsea Streifeneder, Master Pilates instructor
Most people have two eyes and two ears. Christine saw and heard me through deep listening with her hands, her heart, her spirit, her huge compassionate servant's heart. -Joan Sanborn, nurse.